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Title: The development of dialoque culture in the context of a person oriented pedagogical process
Authors: Konchovych, Kateryna
Кончович, Катерина Тиберіївна
Keywords: dialogue
dialogue technology
components of pedagogical dialogue technology
moral values
технологія діалогу
компоненти технології педагогічного діалогу
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Investigation of the role of dialogue in finding moral norms and the value meaning of learning has theoretical significance for the development of philosophical ideas about the dynamics of ethical priorities of personality and society. At the same time, taking into account the importance of moral values in the process of education and upbringing, it is worth noting the importance of using the dialogue in pedagogical practice as a generator of ethical guidelines for improving the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation and optimizing the modern educationalpolicy in general. The features of the dialogue lead to the definition of it as a technique of deep and adequate understanding of the individual, assistance in solving psychological problems, stimulating desired changes. Dialogue technologies are aimed at creating conditions for the individual to learn cultural experience, moral standards, social norms of the past and the present, the formation and development of the social qualities of the individual, which will promote professional development, self-identification and self-realization of the individual.
Description: Konchovych Kateryna The development of dialoque culture in the context of a person oriented pedagogical process / K. Konchovych // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Освіта і наука" / гол.ред. Т.Д. Щербан, заст. гол. ред. J. Piwowarski, В.В. Гоблик. - Мукачево-Ченстохова : РВВ МДУ; Академія ім. Я. Длугоша, 2018. - № Вип. 24(1). - С.123 -127
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/2130
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