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dc.contributor.authorBilak, Marianna-
dc.contributor.authorБілак, Мар'яна Василівна-
dc.descriptionBilak, Marianna Socio-cultural competence formation in the process of foreign language teaching in higher educational establishments / Marianna Bilak // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Освіта і наука" / гол.ред. Т.Д. Щербан, заст. гол. ред. J. Piwowarski, В.В. Гоблик. - Мукачево-Ченстохова : РВВ МДУ; Академія ім. Я. Длугоша, 2018. - № Вип. 24(1). - С. 78-82.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article analyzes the problem of students’ socio-cultural competence formation as a component of professional and creative training of future specialists. The author considers the features of socio-cultural competence development in teaching of foreign languages at higher educational establishments. The possibilities of modern information technologies using for teaching language through culture in order to improve the foreign language professional training of specialists are summarized.en_US
dc.publisherМукачево-Ченстохова : РВВ МДУ; Академія ім. Я. Длугошаen_US
dc.subjectsocio-cultural competenceen_US
dc.subjectforeign languageen_US
dc.subjectIntegrated learningen_US
dc.subjectміжкультурне спілкуванняen_US
dc.subjectпізнавальна діяльністьen_US
dc.subjectмовні аспектиen_US
dc.titleSocio-cultural competence formation in the process of foreign language teaching in higher educational establishmentsen_US
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