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Title: The Role of an Integrated Approach in Music Education Technology
Authors: Popovych, N.M.
Попович, Наталія Михайлівна
Keywords: integrated approach
music education
music lesson
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to justify the role of integrated approach to music education of students. This requires the implementation of a theoretical analysis of the meaning and importance of an integrated approach to music education and training, determination of didactic conditions of integrating the music education in schools and coverage of methods of arrangement of the complex relationships of the main types of educational and creative activity for students in music lessons. It is proved that an integrated approach to the music education process causes the appearance of new original teaching forms and techniques that brings the process to a new qualitative level, enriching the musical and creative abilities of students, enabling them to realize the artistic and aesthetic taste preferences, to achieve the integrity of musical and creative development and high levels of formation of aesthetic consciousness and music.
Description: Popovych, N. The Role of an Integrated Approach in Music Education Technology / N. Popovych // European Researcher : International Multidisciplinary Journal. - Russia, 2014. - Vol. 73 №4-2. - С.748-755
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1596
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