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Title: Role of Creative Activity in the Formation of Professional and Personal Experience of the Future Music Teacher
Authors: Popovych, N.M.
Попович, Наталія Михайлівна
Keywords: creative activity
professional and personal experience
future music teacher
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: This paper investigated and substantiated the role of creative activity in the formation of professional and personal experience of the future music teacher. It was determined that the creative activity as a complex personality formation acts as a prerequisite and the result of musical and educational activities, provides an unusual approach and creative solution of professional problems. It is proved that the high level of creative activity is determined by positive motivation, strong interest and focus on music and teaching activities, expression of emotions and significant willpower, self-reliance, initiative, imagination, the ability to perform the academic tasks in a non-standard way, and the availability of adequate self-assessment of one‟s own musical abilities and professional activities.
Description: Popovych, N. Role of Creative Activity in the Formation of Professional and Personal Experience of the Future Music Teacher / N. Popovych // European Researcher : International Multidisciplinary Journal. - Russia, 2014. - Vol. 75 №5-2. - С.997-1004
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1595
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