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Title: Experience as a Basis for the Professional Development of Future Teacher of Music
Authors: Popovych, N.M.
Попович, Наталія Михайлівна
Keywords: professional and personal experience
future music teacher
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: This paper investigates the problem of forming the professional and personal experience of the future music teacher as the basis for improving its professional excellence. The aim of the study was the theoretical justification and experimental verification of the contents of the experience gained and pedagogical technology of development of the professional excellence of the future music teacher. The scientific research proved that the essence of the professional excellence of music teachers should be considered as a complex of musical and pedagogical personality traits formed in the process of training, that it is creative and focuses on the social and cultural active end result, i.e. the established high-level commitment to musical and pedagogical activities. The findings of this study indicate that one of the key tasks in training of a music teacher is to develop its professional and personal experience as a prerequisite for improving the professional excellence, professional stability, targeting a wide arsenal of innovative movements, scientific research and high-quality arrangement of the educational and upbringing process.
Description: Popovych, N. Experience as a Basis for the Professional Development of Future Teacher of Music / N. Popovych // European Journal of Contemporary Education : Journal. - Russia, 2014. - №2. - С.128-136
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1594
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