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Назва: Ancient Ukrainian Jewelry “Yahnusky” as Memorials of the 17th – the beginning of the 21st Centuries
Автори: Shkolna, Olga
Kapitan, Larisa
Капітан, Лариса Іванівна
Ключові слова: ancient Ukrainian jewelry
jewelry shops
the 17th – the beginning of 21st centuries
старожитні українські ювелірні прикрасі
ювелірні цехи
Дата публікації: 2023
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of the research is to analyse the original heart-shaped female dukachi yahnusky, which remain in private and state museum collections of Ukraine, and the data of literary sources, which are used to trace the aspects of the ancient jewelry spread of this type in the domestic cultural space during the 17th – 19th centuries, as well as their later “replicas reconstructions” that have been used by Ukrainian women since independence. The methodology of the research is based on a set of dialectical, semasiological, semiological, hermeneutic, historical genetic, historical chronological, comparative (historical comparative), idiographic, historical cultural, prosopographic, inductive and deductive methods.
Опис: Shkolna, O. Kapitan, L. (2023). Ancient Ukrainian Jewelry “Yahnusky” as Memorials of the 17th – the beginning of the 21st Centuries. Skhidnoievropeiskyi istorychnyi visnyk [East European Historical Bulletin], 29. - Р. 35–55
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/12410
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