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Titel: Digital tools for tourism enterprise efficiency management
Autoren: Medvid, L.
Медвідь, Лариса Іванівна
Didovych, O.
Denisova, I.
Stichwörter: flexible adjustment
sustainable growth
efficiency of economic activity
гнучке коригування
стійке зростання
результативність господарської діяльності
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Zusammenfassung: Currently, all processes shaping the content of tourism enterprise efficiency management are fully or partially digitized. This transition is driven by the adoption of digital tools and the expansion of communication capabilities within the decision-making and implementation system aimed at achieving optimal results in business activities. It is worth noting that the use of digital tools in managing the efficiency of tourism enterprises is currently relevant. It is due to significant transformations in revenue and expense management processes, alongside changing the approach to efficiency management. These changes involve simplifying methods, techniques, and systems used for diagnosing evaluating, controlling, and ensuring the growth of activity efficiency across various aspects. Therefore, within the scope of the research, the identified and systematically studied features of managing the efficiency of tourism enterprises.
Beschreibung: Medvid L. Digital tools for tourism enterprise efficiency management / L. Medvid, O. Didovych, I. Denisova // Інвестиції: практика та досвід. - Вип. № 7, 2024. - С. 167-172
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