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Titel: Network retail operational models with flexibility functions: analysis of contemporary cases
Autoren: Tiahunova, N.
Maslihan, O.
Маслиган, Олена Олександрівна
Hoblyk, V.
Гоблик, Володимир Васильович
Stichwörter: personalized trading
mass service systems
network retailer
inventory management
мережевий ритейлер
системи масового обслуговування
персоналізована торгівля
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Zusammenfassung: New models of network retail operation are currently emerging with features of variability or flexibility in trade, designed to continuously respond to changes in consumer demand, competitive environment, and other factors. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify contemporary models of network retail operation with features of variability (flexibility). The research results have highlighted the fact that several typical operational models have already emerged, ensuring adaptation to changes in the external environment of network retail, including multi"channel network retail; personalized trading; dynamic pricing; agile inventory management; and logistics optimization (or flexible logistics). It is concluded that each of the existing operational models, which facilitate the adaptation process to changes through specific functions of variability (flexibility), pertains to the exchange of goods, services, values, and money.
Beschreibung: Tiahunova N. Network retail operational models with flexibility functions: analysis of contemporary cases / N. Tiahunova, O. Maslihan, V. Hoblyk // Економічна наука. - С. 69-74
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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