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dc.contributor.authorKulinich, T.-
dc.contributor.authorPapp, V.-
dc.contributor.authorПапп, Василь Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorTymchyna, Y.-
dc.descriptionKulinich T., Papp V., Tychyna Y. New approach to strategic management of tourism enterprises: challenges and perspectives / Kulinich T., Papp V., Tychyna Y. // Ефективна економіка : електронний журнал. - Київ, 2024. - № 3.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of this research is underscored by the saturation of management processes within tourism enterprises with electronic and digital devices, alongside digital tools and systems. This collective integration leads to a transformation in the technological landscape and the methodology of strategic plan development. Consequently, it shapes a qualitatively new approach to strategic planning. In particular, the nature of changes is multifaceted, as it affects both the process of assessing the external environment and formulating organizational goals, as well as decision-making techniques regarding the creation and maintenance of competitive advantages, ensuring profitability in the long term, and so forth. The purpose of the article is to determine the content of the new approach to the strategic management of tourism enterprises emerging in the context of saturation of management processes with electronic and digital devices, tools, and systems, as well as to identify the challenges and prospects it creates. Within the research, it has been demonstrated that the high saturation of management processes with information technologies leads to their transition towards the practice of flexible strategic planning. As a result of the research, it has been proven that strategic integration and the application of a new approach to strategic management create the following prospects for a tourism enterprise: a flexible and adaptive view of the process of resource preparation and allocation, efforts, and actions to achieve vision and mission, a focus on enhancing competitive advantages as a continuous process, increasing the speed of strategy implementation, reducing operational risks, increasing employee engagement, and enhancing customer support. It is because the Agile Manifesto, along with its principles of flexible development, are effective for constructing the development process of any product, project, or plan. It has been demonstrated that the application of Agile Manifesto principles entails embracing the core ideas of flexible development, which can pose numerous challenges for a tourism enterprise in adopting a new approach to strategic management. Among these challenges, the most significant is the likelihood of constant evolution of strategy, as it may give rise to the problem of unattainability of the final strategic iterationuk_UA
dc.subjectflexible methodologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectstrategic foresightuk_UA
dc.subjectmultifunctional project teamsuk_UA
dc.subjectгнучкі методологіїuk_UA
dc.subjectстратегічне передбаченняuk_UA
dc.subjectбагатофункціональні проєктні командиuk_UA
dc.titleNew approach to strategic management of tourism enterprises: challenges and perspectivesuk_UA
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