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Title: The impact of convergent technologies on the business processes management in a tourism enterprise
Authors: Biletska, Natalia
Papp, Vasyl
Папп, Василь Васильович
Byletskiy, Vadim
Keywords: efficient resource utilization
personalized services
positive user experience
development strategies
ефективне використання ресурсів
персоналізовані послуги
позитивний досвід користувача
стратегії розвитку
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Гельветика
Abstract: The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that convergent technologies can be a powerful tool for optimizing and improving the management of business processes in a tourism enterprise. It enables it to enhance its competitiveness in the market. Therefore, the article aims to identify the specifics of the impact of convergent technologies on the management of business processes in a tourism enterprise. According to the research findings, the use of convergent technologies allows enterprises to be more flexible, efficient, and competitive in the tourism market, which is reflected in their ability to meet the needs and expectations of modern customers. Further research in this direction could involve a deeper examination of the specific impacts of convergent technologies on various aspects of managing tourism enterprises, developing strategies for implementing such technologies considering the specificity of the tourism industry, as well as analyzing their influence on changes in market dynamics and the competitive environment.
Description: Biletska Natalia The impact of convergent technologies on the business processes management in a tourism enterprise / Biletska Natalia, Papp Vasyl, Byletskiy Vadim // Економіка та суспільство : електронний журнал з економічних наук / гол.ред. Головко О.П. - Одеса : ВД "Гельветика", 2024. - Вип. 62. - С.1-8
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/11710
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