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Titel: The role of regional cuisine and traditional crafts in the development of tourist and restaurant destinations
Autoren: Zakharova, T.
Popovych, O.
Попович, Олеся Петрівна
Kasinecz, O.
Касинець, Отокар Вікторович
Stichwörter: cultural heritage
attractiveness of geographical territory
complexity of impact
культурна спадщина
географічної території
комплексність впливу
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Zusammenfassung: In the modern world, tourism and the restaurant industry are becoming increasingly important components of the economic development of many regions. In this context, regional cuisine and traditional crafts play a key role in shaping unique tourist and restaurant destinations. These components are integral parts of the cultural heritage of any region. Visitors always seek authentic, unique experiences that reflect the culture, history, and traditions. According to the above, the purpose of the article is to identify the role of regional cuisine and traditional crafts in the development of tourist and restaurant destinations.
Beschreibung: Zakharova T. The role of regional cuisine and traditional crafts in the development of tourist and restaurant destinations / T. Zakharova, O. Popovych, O. Kasinecz // Ефективна економіка. - 2024. № 6. - Р. 1-17
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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