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Title: Creation of a system of psychological support for schoolchildren and students in order to prevent emotional burnout and reduce the level of suicidal attitudes among teenagers
Authors: Shcherban, Tetiana
Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна
Bretsko, Iryna
Брецко, Ірина Іванівна
Yamchuk, Taisa
Ямчук, Таїсія Юріївна
Varha, Viktoriya
Варга, Вікторія Степанівна
Voronova, Olha
Воронова, Ольга Юріївна
Keywords: emotional state
suicidal tendencies
psychological prevention
mental trauma
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The relevance of conducting research in this area is due to the fact that, nowadays burnout syndrome and suicidal mood are observed among a larger number of teenagers, which causes an increase in the level of mental disorders and fatal outcomes by committing suicide among young people. These problems include a complex of special mental disorders. Purpose. The key goal of this article is to highlight the methods and preventive measures of psychological guidance that will reduce the level of occurrence of these problems. The main task is to reveal the concept of emotional burnout and suicidal mood and to identify factors that contribute to the spread of these phenomena. Methodology. Among the methodological approaches thanks to which the main tasks were achieved, it is worth noting the systematic approach, person-oriented, competence-based, informational, activity-based approaches. Results. In the course of this research, problems were identified that lead to the spread of emotional burnout and suicidal moods among students and pupils. It also shows the features of conducting psychological prevention activities with students. It was proven that during the formation of the syndrome of emotional burnout and suicidal moods in students, indicators of emotional detachment, emotional and moral disorientation, experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances and inadequate emotional and selective response increase. Methodical recommendations aimed at preventing these
Description: Creation of a system of psychological support for schoolchildren and students in order to prevent emotional burnout and reduce the level of suicidal attitudes among teenagers / Tetiana Shcherban, Iryna Bretsko, Taisa Yamchuk ,Viktoriya Varha ,Olha Voronova // Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. - Issue 55. - Р. 1631–1639
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/11543
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