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Назва: Impact of emotionality and locus of control on athletes’ motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sports
Автори: Popovych, Ihor
Pokhonkova, Yuliia
Sokolova, Hanna
Forostian, Olha
Rodchenkova, Iryna
Yurkiv, Yaroslava
Korniienko, Inokentii
Корнієнко, Інокентій Олексійович
Ключові слова: emotional stability
emotional intelligence
mental health
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): This study aimed to identify statistically significant parameters regarding the influence of emotionality and locus of control on athletes' motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sports. The sample consisted of athletes participating in individual sports (n = 123) with a mean age of 23 (Me = 23; M = 23.19; SD = ±2.92), representing disciplines such as artistic gymnastics, track and field, weightlifting, freestyle wrestling, and boxing. Among the participants were medalists and winners of regional, national, international, and Olympic sports competitions.
Опис: Impact of emotionality and locus of control on athletes’ motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sports / Ihor Popovych , Yuliia Bokhonkova, Hanna Sokolova, Olha Forostian, Iryna Rodchenkova, Yaroslava Yurkiv, Inokentii Korniienko // Journal of Physical Education and Sport . - February 2024. Vol. 24 (issue 2). - Р. 292 – 302
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10454
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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