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Название: The impact of distance learning on quality education in higher education
Авторы: Resler, Maryna
Реслер, Маріанна Василівна
Ostapiuk, Nataliia
Lalak, Nataliia
Лалак, Наталія Володимирівна
Hrab, Mariana
Ключевые слова: Higher education
professional training
вища освіта
професійна підготовка
Дата публикации: 2023
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The purpose of the study was formed, which was to assess distance learning as a form of educational activity in higher education institutions.For this purpose, methodological tools were applied, namely the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, survey, deduction. As a result, it was possible to reveal the content and importance of distance education as a structural element of the learning environment. Its characteristic features, namely advantages and disadvantages were described. To a greater extent, the study was based on the comparison of traditional and distance approach to the organization and provision of the educational process in higher education institutions. A key component of the work was a survey of students, which allowed toqualitatively assess the effectiveness and other properties of distance learning. The study managed to describe both theoretical and practical principles related to the organization of the educational process at the university for young people, based on distance learning tools. In addition, the legal framework that regulates the principles on which distance learning is based has been studied. The results obtained can be used by educators in the preparation of methodological materials for distance learning.
Описание: Resler Maryna The impact of distance learning on quality education in higher education / Resler Maryna, Ostapiuk Nataliia, Lalak Nataliia, Hrab Mariana // Youth Voice Journal / Ed.-in-Chief Gavrielides T. - London, UK : RJ4ALL, 2023. - Vol.2. - P.71-81
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10254
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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