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Title: Management of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business in Ukraine
Authors: Piankov, Vladyslav
Kampo, Ilda
Milashovska, Olha
Мілашовська, Ольга Іванівна
Botsian, Tetiana
Ivanenko, Valentyna
Keywords: tourism management
менеджмент туризму
management of hotel and restaurant business
готельний менеджмент і ресторанний бізнес
management strategies
стратегії менеджменту
ospitality sector in Ukraine
гостинність сектор в Україні
prospects of hospitality business
перспективи гостинного бізнесу
innovative management dimensions
інноваційні виміри управління
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to outline the specific features of management strategies for the tourism and hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine in the short term and in the long term. The hospitality sector is highly dependent on the socio-cultural environment in which services are provided. Over the past few years, Ukraine has become an arena of force majeure situations in the economic, legal, and socio-economic dimensions (COVID-19 pandemic, martial law). It is noted that the dynamism of public life directly affects the management activity in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business, updating such guidelines as: management flexibility, management innovation, management pragmatism.
Description: Vladyslav Piankov, Ilda Kampo, Olha Milashovska, Tetiana Botsian, Valentyna Ivanenko Management of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business in Ukraine // Pacific Business Review (International), Volume 16 Issue 2 August 2023. С.126-140
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10129
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