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Title: Modeling and Forecasting the Post-war Economic Recovery of Ukraine’s Transport Potential
Authors: Stehnei, Marianna
Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна
Irtyshcheva, Inna
Іртищева, Інна
Kramarenko, Iryna
Boiko, Yevheniia
Nadtochiy, Iryna
Sirenko, Ihor
Hryshyna, Nataliya
Ishchenko, Olena
Keywords: post-war economic recovery
transport potential
modeling and forecasting
post-war dynamic models
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article’s purpose is to model and forecast the post-war economic recovery of Ukraine’s transport potential. The construction of dynamic models and forecasting of the constituent parameters of Ukraine’s transport potential in the system of global socio-economic development was carried out. The characteristics of the periods and predictive estimates of ex-post-war dynamic models of the development of transport potential are offered. The authors developed systematic approaches to eliminate the subjectivity of the obtained results, using statistical data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and modern tools of the Microsoft Excel application program. It was determined that to build ex-post war dynamic models and forecast the constituent parameters of the national transport potential in the system of socio-economic development, it is proposed to carry out research based on grouping the characteristics of the transport potential according to its resource capabilities and production results, by distinguishing the following groups of indicators: material resources, human resources, investment resources, production results. Grouping and building ex-post war dynamic models are proposed, which allow structuring the resources of the transport system to achieve maximization or optimization of the production results of the transport system in the context of national socio-economic development and to determine forecast estimates for certain parameters of the transport potential of Ukraine.
Description: Modeling and Forecasting the Post-war Economic Recovery of Ukraine’s Transport Potential / Stehnei Marianna, Irtyshcheva Inna, Kramarenko Iryna , Boiko Yevheniia, Nadtochiy Iryna, Sirenko Ihor, Hryshyna Nataliya, and Ishchenko Olena // International Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology SEMIT 2022: Science. - Р. 46–60
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10108
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