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Showing results 841 to 860 of 12004 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Ukrainian paremies: laws of creationBritsyn, V.; Sukalenko, T.; Marcuk, L.; Sakharova, O.; Pauk, M.
2019Ukrajina a Slovenska republika v globalnom rebricku: porovnavacia analyzaFabus, M.; Фабус, М.; Fejer, O.; Феєр, Оксана Валеріївна
2021University preparation of graduates of pedagogy to act as an early childhood education teacher. Self-assessment of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Ukrainian studentsKruszewska, Aleksandra; Fasnerová, Martina; Bernátová, Renáta; Lavrenova, Maria; Лавренова, Марія Василівна
2020The usage of innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of the future teacher's professional and practical trainingBryzhak, N.; Брижак, Надія Юріївна; Bopko, L.; Бопко, Л.; Falynska, Z.; Фалинська, З.
2025Use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in analyzing the in analyzing the quality of accounting and financial reportingKorolovich, Oksana; Королович, Оксана Омелянівна; Holovachko, Vasyl; Головачко, Василь Михайлович; Pigosh, Vasyl; Пігош, Василь Августинович
2021Use of educational internet resources in the process of formation of phonetic competence of future english teachersЛукачина, М.Ф.
2021Use of educational internet resources in the process of formation of phonetik competence of future english teachersКазіста, Н.
2023Use of geoinformation technologies in distance learning of future specialists in geographyLeta, Vasyl V.; Лета, Василь Васильович; Karabiniuk, Mykola M.; Mykyta, Mykhailo M.; Kachailo, Mykhailo M.
2017Use of QR-codes in the educational processHarapko, V. I.; Гарапко, Віталія Іванівна; Prozhehach, I. I.; Прожехач, І. І.
2018Use of web-resources at English language classes and forms of work with computer training programsКравченко, Тетяна Миколаївна; Kravchenko, Tetyana Mykolaivna
2022Using Information Technologies to Train Today Teachers in the Educational EnvironmentBakhmat, Nataliia; Popadych, Olena; Derkach, Larysa; Shvardak, Marianna; Швардак, Маріанна Василівна; Lukashchuk, Mykola; Romanenko, Viktor
2023Using internet marketing to increase website conversion: challenges of effectiveness of different tools and techniquesNahorna, O.; Нагорна, О. В.; Makohonchuk, N.; Макогончук, Н. В.; Chebanova, T.; Чебанова, Т. Є.; Havrylets, O.; Гаврилець, О. В.
2014Using of information and communication technologies in primary teacher training in the UKGarapko, V.; Гарапко, Віталія Іванівна
2020The using of information and communication technologies in secondary schoolPlisko, Yaroslav; Пліско, Я. В.; Rozman, Iryna; Розман, Ірина Іллівна
2016Using the integrated marketing communications at sales pointsРосола, Уляна Василівна; Rosolа, U. V.
2017Value attitude of modern children and parents towards booksЛіннік, Олена; Барна, Христина Василівна; Linnik, O.; Barna, K.
2021Verification of assessment scales of the sensory enriched enriched environment ecers-r and sstew or implementation in UkraineKruty, Kateryna; Holiuk, Oksana; Rodiuk, Nataliia; Popovych, Oksana; Попович, Оксана Михайлівна; Zdanevych, Larysa; Bilska, Olha; Pakhalchuk, Natalia
2022Virtual Universities in the Modern Educational SpaceChovriy, Sofiya; Човрій, Софія Юліївна
2017Vocational training of experts of social sphere in the conditions of modernization of higher education in Ukraine through globalizationЛенд'єл-Сяркевич, Антоніна Антонівна; Lendiel-Siarkevych, A.
2022Volunteer movement of ukrainian students in the field of medical aid, education, health care for children and adults (end of the XIX - 30s of the XX century)Bilavych, H.; Tkachivska, I.; Rozman, I.; Розман, Ірина; Didukh, I.; Fedchyshyn, N.; Fedoniuk, L.; Savchuk, B.