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Showing results 320 to 339 of 12004 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Harmonious development strategies as a means of minimizing local problems of mountain communitiesKulinich, T.; Кулініч, Т. В.; Maslyhan, O.; Маслиган, Олена Олександрівна
2021Health of the elderly people as the basis for formation of medical and social needsGruzieva, Tetiana S.; Diachuk, Mykhаilo D.; Inshakova, Hanna V.; Soroka, Ivan M.; Dufynets, Vasyl A.; Дуфинець, Василь Андрійович
2020Historical and pedagogical aspects of the establishment of the Swedish education systemMochan, Tatiana; Мочан, Тетяна Михайлівна; Martyn, Oksana; Мартин, О. М.
2019Historical and pedagogical science as the basis of the formation and construction of biografisticsRozman, I. I.; Розман, Ірина Іллівна
2017Historical-system model of the development of primary school in Transcarpathia at the turn of XIX-XXI centuriesFizeshi, O.; Фізеші, Октавія Йосипівна
2018Hotel and restaurant business development in Ukraine: modern state and trendsScherban, T. D.; Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна; Demyan, Ya.Yu.; Дем'ян, Ярослава Юріївна
2016Human capital as a determinant of socio-economic conditionРеслер, Марина Василівна; Resler, M.V.; Glukha, Ganna; Horbovyy, Artur; Khaletska, Alina; Prystrom, Joanna; Stepaniuk, Oksana
2019Hydro-ecological investigation of the Lazeshchyna River in Transcarpathian region of UkraineLeta, Vasyl; Лета, Василь Васильович; Pylypovych, Olga; Mykitchak, Taras
2023Hydrochemical characteristics of the Upper reaches of the Tisza RiverKhilchevskyi, Valentyn K.; Leta, Vasyl V.; Лета, Василь Васильович; Sherstyuk, Nataliia P.; Pylypovych, Olga V.; Zabokrytska, Myroslava R.; Pasichnyk, Mykhailo P.; Tsvietaieva, Olena V.
2019Image of human in the postmodern epochMykulanynets, L. M.; Mикуланинець, Леся Михайлівна
2024Immersive technologies in the educational spaceSavytska, Inna; Tryfonova, Olena; Feltsan, Inna; Фельцан, Інна Михайлівна; Alekseiko, Vitalii; Ahiy, Yaroslav
2022Impact of AI on education (UNESCO materials)Гарапко, Віталія Іванівна
2024Impact of emotionality and locus of control on athletes’ motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sportsPopovych, Ihor; Pokhonkova, Yuliia; Sokolova, Hanna; Forostian, Olha; Rodchenkova, Iryna; Yurkiv, Yaroslava; Korniienko, Inokentii; Корнієнко, Інокентій Олексійович
2015-11-19Impact of laundering on operational properties used to manufacture the men's jacket (poster presentation)Popova, A.І.; Попова, Алла Іванівна
2014Impact of microwave energy and leuconate hardener on on the adhesive joint strengthKozar, О.; Козарь, Оксана Петрівна; Medvid, О.; Медвідь, Олеся; Oliynykova, V.; Олійникова, Валентина
2019The impact of non-verbal communication means in the process оf intercultural communicationBretsko, Iryna Ivanivna; Брецко, Ірина Іванівна; Morgun, Iryna Valentynivna; Моргун, Ірина Валентинівна
2020The impact of the association agreement on the foreign direct investmentsRiashko, N.; Ряшко, Н.
2012Impact of zeolite on operating performance of polyurethane adhesive compositionsKozar, O. P.; Козарь, Оксана Петрівна; Oliynykova, V. V.; Konoval, V. P.
2019Implementation of Biological Sources of Energy in the System of “Smart Clothes”Molnar, Alexander; Gerasimov, Vitaly; Герасимов, Віталій Вікторович; Badidová, Anna
2023Implementation of Innovative Educational Technologies in the Training of Specialists in Pedagogy and Psychology (European Experience)Kruty, Kateryna; Zdanevych, Larysa; Pisotska, Leonida; Desnova, Iryna; Molnar, Tetіana; Молнар, Тетяна Іванівна