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Showing results 131 to 150 of 12004 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Defining the Postmodern Aspect of the Social Factor of Language VariationVukolova, Kateryna; Depchynska, Ivetta; Hertsovska, Nataliia; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Cherniaieva, Irina; Loskutova, Nataliia; Vasylko, Zoryana
2023Design Management of an Innovative Model of Sustainable Development and Regional Features in Conditions of Global TurbulencePavlenko, Olena; Irtyshcheva, Inna; Kramarenko, Iryna; Крамаренко, Ірина Сергіївна; Stehnei, Marianna; Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна; Boiko, Yevheniia; Nadtochiy, Iryna; Karpenko, Herman; Sirenko, Ihor; Hryshyna, Natalia; Ishchenko, Olena; Tubaltseva, Natalia; Uliana, Rosola; Росола, Уляна Василівна
2023Destabilization of the Financial Market of Ukraine in the Conditions of Martial Law: Prejudice of ProcessesIrtyshcheva, Inna; Stehnei, Marianna; Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна; Kramarenko, Iryna; Liashenko, Oleksandra; Mykhalchynets, Halyna; Михальчинець, Галина Томівна; Mykhalchynets, Nataliia
2023Detection of Intellectual Giftedness in Children of Different Ages and Methods of its Development as an Aspect of Neurophysiological DevelopmentPidlypniak, Iryna; Marchuk, Oksana; Naichuk, Victoriia; Tryfonova, Olena; Korniienko, Inokentii; Корнієнко, Інокентій Олексійович; Mashchak, Svitlana
2022Determinants of international trade during pandemicPugachevska, K.; Пугачевська, Катерина Йожефівна; Dzhunkovska, K.
2023Determination and Optimization of the Parameters of an Alternative Ferroelectric Power SupplyGal, David; Ban, Henrietta; Gerasimov, Vitaly; Герасимов, Віталій Вікторович; Haysak, Andriy; Molnar, Alexander; Tretiakova, Taisiya
2022Determination of the magnetic field strength in a layer of electrical steelPelekh, Roman; Пелех, Р. Я; Ihnatyshyn, Mykola; Ігнатишин, Микола Іванович
2021Determination of the parameters of rheological leather models by the indirect methodRosul, R.; Росул, Руслан Васильович; Ihnatyshyn, M. І.; Ігнатишин, Микола Іванович
2023Determination of the phase composition of alloys by the improved Hillert methodZhiguts, Yuriy; Жигуц, Ю.Ю.; Lazar, Vasuylj; Лазар, Василь Федорович; Legeta, Yaroslav; Легета, Я. П.
2020Developing english language competence in an academic environment for pHd-studentsHarapko, Vitaliia; Гарапко, Віталія Іванівна
2020Development equipment for hydro-jet forming of women designer’s headwearYakymchuk, Olena; Yakymchuk, Dmytro; Bilei-Ruban, Nataliia; Білей-Рубан, Наталія Василівна; Nosova, Iryna; Horiashchenko, Serhiy; Horiashchenko, Kostyantyn; Kisil, Tetyana; Tuz, Viacheslav
2017Development of adult education in europe and in the context of knowles' studyФельцан, Інна Михайлівна; Feltsan, I.
2021Development of business communications in the management of organizationsLyzanets, Anzhela; Лизанець, Анжела Гейзівна; Mesko, Kristina
2018The development of dialoque culture in the context of a person oriented pedagogical processKonchovych, Kateryna; Кончович, Катерина Тиберіївна
2023Development of digital financial technologies (fintech) in the financial sector of UkraineShevchenko, M.; Dzhereleiko, S.; Mykhalchynets, H.; Михальчинець, Галина Томівна
2022Development of emotional intelligence as a factor for strengthening the mental health and adaptation of students in the crisis conditions of the state of war: theoretical justification of the problemSavchuk, Borys; Rozman, Iryna; Розман, Ірина Іллівна; Bagriy, Mariya; Kopchuk-Kashetska, Maria
2021Development of future psychologists’ professional identity in occupational and educational fieldYamcuk, Taisa; Ямчук, Таїсія Юріївна
2021Development of hydro-centrifugal method of forming womens headwearKushevskiy, Nikolay; Misiats, Vladimir; Dromenko, Valeria; Дроменко, В.; Yalovyi, Vitalii; Matviichuk, Svetlana; Yakovets, Inna; Merezhko, Nina; Osyka, Viktor; Forostyana, Ninel; Vasylenko, Viktoria
2020Development of innovative technologies for designformation of women's hats from fabric in laweMatviichuk, Svetlana; Матвійчук, Світлана; Boksha, Nataliia; Бокша, Наталія
2020Development of library case of the end XIX beginning XXI centuryMovchan, K.M.; Мовчан, Катерина Миколаївна; Sidun, Ya.; Сідун, Я.