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Showing results 74 to 93 of 11964 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The category "professional burnout" the essense and characteristicBehun-Trachuk, L.; Бегун-Трачук, Лариса Олександрівна
2020Causes of deviant behavior in troubled adolescentsShcherban, T. D.; Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна; Bretsko, I. I.; Брецко, Ірина Іванівна
2024Challenges and opportunities of scientific communication in the age of informationtechnologiesKUŠNÍR, Jaroslav; KRAVCHENKO, Tetiana; Кравченко, Тетяна Миколаївна
2025Challenges and strategies for implementing a student-centered approach in teaching english as a second foreign languageRaikhel, Anna Mykhaliivna; Райхель, Анна Михайлівна
2021Characteristics of English speech etiquetteГерцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Фозекош, К. В.
2022Characteristics of the Problems of Socio-Economic Development in the Conditions of Digital EconomyMedynska, Tetyana; Sai, Lesia; Akimkin, Oleksandr; Kruchak, Liudmyla; Кручак, Людмила; Doroshenko, Tetiana
2022Characteristics of volcanic mountains morphostructure of Transcarpathia, UkraineMykyta, Mykhailo; Salyuk, Maryana; Karabiniuk, Mykola; Slavik, Roman; Leta, Vasyl; Лета, Василь Васильович
2016Classification of greek borrowings according to the sphere of usage in the vocabulary of the english languageГерцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Hertsovska, N.; Бігар, К. І.
2017Classification of marketing researches on innovation productResler, M. V.; Реслер, Марина Василівна
2024Cloud and education: transforming teacher trainingVorona, Vita; Shlikhata, Ganna; Kucherenko, Iryna; Molnar, Tetiana; Молнар, Тетяна Іванівна; Sakhenko, Anna
2021Coaching Technology to Prepare Candidates for Leadership Roles in a Variety of Educational SettingsShvardak, Marianna; Швардак, Маріанна Василівна
2020Coaching Technology to Prepare Candidates for Leadership Roles in a Variety of Educational SettingsShvardak, Marianna; Швардак, Маріанна Василівна
2019Cognitive features of modern internet discourse as a current philological problemTelychko, Natalia Victorivna; Теличко, Наталія Вікторівна; Malinovska, Diana Pavlivna
2016Communicative activities in teaching grammarTelychko, N; Теличко, Наталія Вікторівна
2024Communicative approach as a tool for modernizing the process of teaching English languageBarchi, Beata; Барчі, Беата Василівна
2024Communicative approach as the basis of the method of formation of english communicative competence of high school studentsТеличко, Наталія Вікторівна
2015Comparative research of idioms based on national specificity of languages (on the material of english and ukrainian languages)Hertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Kyrychko, L.
2022Comparison of features arising in phonon spectra of crystals belonging to the argyrodite family for various combinations of orbits filled with Ag (Cu) atomsNebola, I.I.; Katanytsia, A.F.; Shkyrta, I.M.; Шкирта, Ігор Миколайович; Pal, Yu.O.; Studenyak, I.P.; Timko, M.; Kopčanský, P.
2019Components of forming model of future artists' multicultural competence of higher educational institutionsKostiuk, Miroslava; Костюк, Мирослава
2019Components of psychology, literary studies, historical and pedagogical sciences as the factors of biography studyRozman, Iryna; Розман, Ірина Іллівна