Browsing by Author Hertsovska, N.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Classification of greek borrowings according to the sphere of usage in the vocabulary of the english languageГерцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Hertsovska, N.; Бігар, К. І.
2015Comparative research of idioms based on national specificity of languages (on the material of english and ukrainian languages)Hertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Kyrychko, L.
2022Components of the content of lexical competenceHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Hudachek, V.
2020Correspondence education in the conditions of quarantine as a transitional step to distance educationHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна
2024Enhancing student-centered learning outcomes through scaffolding teaching techniquesHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна
2022Irony as an object of study of different areasof mind:Psychological value of ironHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна
2016Proper names in english phraseologyГерцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Hertsovska, N.; Бесага, І. В.
2015Proverbs and anti-proverbs in modern english languageHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Kamenykova, A.
2017The reasons of spreading the modern English languageHertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Biletska, O.; Білецька, О.
2016Slang of teenagers in social networksГерцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Hertsovska, N.; Леушина, О. Е. Леушина
2024Student-centeredness as a core approach to teaching in higher educational establishmentsHertsovska, N.; Bopko, I.