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Title: The Use of Creative Projects Method by Primary School Teachers as a Means of Enhancing the Learning Motivation
Authors: Ostrovska, Marianna
Margitych, Kateryna
Bryzhak, Nadiia
Брижак, Надія Юріївна
Bopko, Ihor
Бопко, Ігор Зеновійович
Bedevelska, Marianna
Keywords: activity approach
interactive methods
innovative technologies
project-based learning
academic performance
діяльнісний підхід
інтерактивні методи
інноваційні технології
проектне навчання
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the creative projects method on the learning motivation of primary schoolers. The following methods were used for this purpose: semi-structured interviews, surveys. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) were used. Mathematical methods of data processing, Pearson’s test, Cohen’s kappa, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were applied. The study involved 796 third-grade primary schoolers and 39 primary school teachers. It was found that almost half of the teachers do not use the creative projects method in primary school. They believe that pupils do not yet have the necessary skills and abilities. Teachers who use this method note its positive impact on the growth of students’ cognitive activity in class. The authors established that the creative projects method contributes to the growth of the creativity level. It also enhances the learning motivation of primary schoolers. An average of 10% increase in the academic performance of third-grade pupils was observed over the six months. Therefore, the creative projects method contributes to the enhancement of students’ activity, their level of creativity, stimulates motivation and increases their success. Future research should be focused on studying the influence of the creative projects method on the motivation of students in all education grades.
Description: The Use of Creative Projects Method by Primary School Teachers as a Means of Enhancing the Learning Motivation / Marianna Ostrovska,Kateryna Margitych,Nadiia Bryzhak,Ihor Bopko,Marianna Bedevelska // Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. - Vol. 14(2).2023. - P. 487-499
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9734
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