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Title: Іmplementation of simulation during the formation of professional competence of future preschool teachers based on the use of interactive technologies
Authors: Bobyrieva, Olena
Бобирєва, Олена Сергіївна
Keywords: professional competence
future preschool teachers
interactive technologies
structural-functional model
principles of modeling
професійна компетентність
майбутні вихователі дошкільної освіти
інтерактив технології
структурно-функціональна модель
принципи моделювання
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The article summarizes and systematizes information on the formation of professional competence of future preschool teachers based on the use of interactive technologies. There are presented the characteristics of the interactive technologies’ advantages in the future preschool teachers’ professional training. There are highlighted the main advantages of using pedagogical modeling, based on the generalization of scientific views. It is characterized the essence of the structuralfunctional model. There are revealed content of the principles which are the basis of the model (humanization of professional training of future preschool teachers; individualization of education; innovation and child-centeredness; dialogization).
Description: Іmplementation of simulation during the formation of professional competence of future preschool teachers based on the use of interactive technologies / Olena Bobyrieva // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології. - 2022, № 5 (119). - Р. 12-21
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9572
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