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Title: Economic and mathematical modeling of the development processes of tourist, museum, and hotelrestaurant enterprises
Authors: Maslуhan, O.
Маслиган, Олена Олександрівна
Bakatov, V.
Hromyk, A.
Kasinecz, O.
Касинець, Отокар Вікторович
Keywords: stochastic environment
sign factor
regression equation
basic indicator
стохастичне середовище
ознака фактор
рівняння регресії
базовий показник
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The current research is aimed at defining the specifics of economic and mathematical modeling of the development processes of tourist, museum, and hotelrestaurant enterprises and visualization of the outlined process on practical examples. The author realized the identification of the basic principles of development of such enterprises and the construction of models, which can be useful for the correction of new and received knowledge in this sphere. According to the study results, it is proved that the content of economic and mathematical models should be formed in such a way as to provide opportunities for research of peculiarities of development of tourism, museum, and hotel-restaurant enterprises in the stochastic environment. In particular, the models should take into account that development can be based not only on known factors but also consider the occasional behavior of quantitative features, inherent to independent organizational-separated business entities with the rights of a legal entity. We believe that the environment of development of tourist, museum, and hotelrestaurant enterprises is critical to stochasticity.
Description: Economic and mathematical modeling of the development processes of tourist, museum, and hotelrestaurant enterprises / O. Maslуhan, V. Bakatov, A. Hromyk, O. Kasinecz // Ефективна економіка. - 2023. № 2. - Р. 1-21
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9552
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Economic _and _mathematical_ modeling_ of_ the_ development_ processes_ of _touris_museum_ and_ hotelrestaurant_ enterprises.pdfEconomic and mathematical modeling of the development processes of tourist, museum, and hotelrestaurant enterprises826.55 kBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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