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Titel: Optically active coating based on chalcohenid glasses for middle ir range photodetectors
Autoren: Kabatsii, V.M.
Кабацій, Василь Миколайович
Stichwörter: оptically active coating
оптично активне покриття
chalcohenid glasses
халькогенідних стекол
middle ir range photodetectors
фотоприймачів середнього ІЧ-діапазону
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Uzhgorod
Beschreibung: Kabatsii V.M. Optically active coating based on chalcohenid glasses for middle ir range photodetectors / V.M. Kabatsii // Materials of the International Meeting "Clusters and nanostructured materials (CNM- 6)" – Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 2020 – С. 76-77
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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Optically _active_ coating_ based_ on _chalcohenid_ glasses_ for_ middle_ ir_ range_ photodetectors.pdfOptically active coating based on chalcohenid glasses for middle ir range photodetectors828.18 kBAdobe PDFÖffnen/Anzeigen

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