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Назва: Musical Performance in the Age of Postmodernism
Автори: Astalos, Gabriella
Микуланинець, Леся Михайлівна
Mykulaninets, Lesya Mykhailivna
Zhyshkovych, Myroslava Mykhailivna
Ключові слова: musical performance
historical epoch
музичний перформанс
історична епоха
Дата публікації: 2022
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article is devoted to postmodernism musical performance. There was realized a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the phenomenon development from ancient period to nowadays. It was proved that in ancient times interpretation was explained as a form of mythological worldview embodiment; in the Middle Ages as a way of uniting man and God; in Rrenaissance as a means of harmonizing material and spiritual components of personality; in Baroque as a method of theatricality of person's existence; in Classicism as an opportunity to assert the power of human mind; Romanticism emphasized emotionality and subjectivity of concerting, the unique role of master; Modernism declared -freedom of interpretation. Understanding the essence of musical performance with each historical stage became deeper, was enriched with new terminological, depth of scientific and theoretical understanding. The musical performance of postmodernism as a unique phenomenon has its own chronology of formation and development, based on achievements of previous epochs, transformed in accordance to philosophical aesthetics of the late XX century. Its outstanding constitutive qualities are: anthropology, religiosity, spirituality, meditation, improvisation, humanism, dialogicity, theatricality, rationalism, intellectualism, emotionality, playing, intertextuality, polystylistics etc.The performing art of postmodernism embodies the conceptual principles of its time: pluralism, irony, collage, synthesis, the death of the author, so on. It unites, eclectically mixes different artistic traditions and views, it forms a unique interpretive vision of musical text, demonstrates openness to dialogue with different historical epochs and civilizations, aimed at both the elite and the mass audience.
Опис: Musical Performance in the Age of Postmodernism / Astalosh, G., Mykulanynets, L., & Zhyshkovych, M. // Musical Performance in the Age of Postmodernism. Postmodern Openings. - 13(1),(2022). - Р. 1 - 16.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8931
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