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Название: Professional training of teachers for social and pedagogical activity: progressive world practices
Авторы: Budnyk, Olena
Nikolaesku, Inna
Atroshchenko, Tetiana
Атрощенко, Тетяна Олександрівна
Shevchenko, Antonina
Chinchoy, Alexander
Yatsyna, Svitlana
Zobenko, Nataliia
Ключевые слова: Teacher training
Pedagogical Activity
Social and Pedagogical activity
Social work
Навчання вчителя
педагогічна діяльність
соціальна та педагогічна діяльність
соціальна робота
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article highlights current issues in training of social and educational professionals. The best experience of different countries on the development of social skills and abilities of children and youth, providing psychological and pedagogical support in crisis situations is presented. It was found out that the organization of the system of juvenile social and pedagogical assistance is based on the territorial principle, so training of social professionals is carried out at the state, local and municipal levels. Practice-oriented professional training of social workers in higher education institutions is emphasized. It was found out that in some countries (Canada, USA, France, Poland, Switzerland, Greece) more than half of students' study time they are engaged practicing in inclusive and special schools, boarding schools, adoption and care centers, school education centers, student employment offices in dormitories, social protection services, youth shelters, etc. The authors also have described the experience of specialist training – teachers-animators for the organization of meaningful leisure of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents. The progressive experience of training of qualified specialists to work with children with special educational needs is presented.
Описание: Professional training of teachers for social and pedagogical activity: progressive world practices / О. Budnyk, Inna Nikolaesku, Tetiana Atroshchenko, Antonina Shevchenko, Alexander Chinchoy, Svitlana Yatsyna, Svitlana Yatsyna, Nataliia Zobenko // Revisnta inclusiones. - V. 8, 2021. - Р. 8-19
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8498
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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