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Название: Assessment of the Tailing Dumps State of the Gold Processing Enterprise
Авторы: Hoblyk, Volodymyr V.
Гоблик, Володимир Васильович
Hoblyk, Viktor V.
Гоблик, В. В.
Molnar, Hreta T.
Pevse, Andreya A.
Loskorikh, Habriella L.
Ключевые слова: European Union
Європейський Союз
Дата публикации: 2020
Издательство: Australia
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The purpose o f the study is to assess the current state o f the tailings as a soiree of technological impact on the environment and to determine the possibilities of using gold processing enterprise waste as a raw material for production.In carrying out this study, we used the following set of basic methods and methodological techniques such as system analysis, the generalization o f theoretical and experimental studies, scientific forecasting, cartographic modeling, landscape zoning, the method o f logical abstractions, physicochemical methods, and other general scientific methods o f analysis and generalization. The systematization o f literature data and patent search materials indicate that scientific research aimed at ensuring the environmental safety o f mining facilities, including tailings, have only begun to develop in recent years [5-9] Jn the course o f the study, it was found that die protective dam o f the tailings o f the gold mining factory is unreliable and it is necessary to take measures for ire processing and disposal o f tailings, to organize a systematic approach to identifying ways and means o f preventing violations of the regulatory environment and ensuring environmental safety.For the first time, an approach has been developed to the level of assessment o f tire hazard level o f the tailing dump on the environment and the justification for the feasibility o f utilizing the tailings o f the enrichment o f the Muzhievsky deposit in the Beregovsky district o f the Transcarpathiaa region.Tlie proposed scheme for processing and enrichment o f the tailings o f a gold processing enterprise using an installed modular processing plant According to the results o f the factory, tailings will be used for the production o f building ceramics and restoration o f the lost shape o f the relief.
Описание: Hoblyk V. V. Assessment of the Tailing Dumps State of the Gold Processing Enterprise / V. V. Hoblyk, V. V. Hoblyk, H. T. Molnar, A. A. Pevse, H. L. Loskorikh // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. - Australia, 2020. - Vol. 29, No. 08. - P. 2117-2123
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7199
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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