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Название: The issue of new highly heart- resistant adhesive compositions
Авторы: Kozar, O. P.
Козарь, Оксана Петрівна
Oliynikova, V. V.
Олійникова, В. В.
Konoval, V. P.
Коновал, В. П.
Myhalyna, YU. V.
Мигалина, Юрій Вікентійович
Ключевые слова: shoe
adhesive composition
thermal stability
клейовий склад
Дата публикации: 2012
Издательство: Bucharest, Romania
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The important question is the improvement of thermal performance of polyurethane adhesives used by domestic industries through research of existing and development of new adhesive compositions. The purpose of this study is to examine the development of new adhesive compositions that could be used for making shoes that will be used under elevated temperature conditions. Currently there are about a hundred brands of domestic synthetic adhesives that are based on the ability to withstand more or less heat load can be divided into three groups: adhesives that can withstand prolonged exposure to temperatures around 60°C; heat-resistant adhesives that can withstand long or short-term effect of temperatures of 100°C; highly heat-resistant adhesives that can withstand short-term effect of temperature to 300°C. Firms “Bayer”, “Tivolli”, “Henkel”, “Loctite”, “Teroson” (Germany) are the worldwide leaders in adhesives and materials for their production. Lately, foreign companies produce new highly heat-resistant adhesive compositions that can withstand the heat load of about 300-500°C. However, these adhesive compositions have low flexural properties and therefore not recommended for products that are exposed to irregular separation and shock loads, i.e. for the production of shoes. Thus, there is a need to explore the creation of new adhesive compositions which would contain non-toxic natural ingredients as a modifier and at the same time increase heat resistance and would be economically beneficial and allow to reduce the shoe manufacturing process technology that would withstand high temperature stress
Описание: Kozar O. P. The issue of new highly heart-resistant adhesive compositions / O. P. Kozar, V. V. Oliynykova, V. P. Konoval, Y. V. Myhalyna // ICAMS 2012 : proceedings of the 4th international conference on advanced materials and systems (27-29 September 2012). – Bucharest, Romania, 2012. – C.131-134
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6803
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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