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Titel: Value attitude of modern children and parents towards books
Autoren: Ліннік, Олена
Барна, Христина Василівна
Linnik, O.
Barna, K.
Stichwörter: value
preschool children
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Serie/Report Nr.: ;№32
Zusammenfassung: The article presents the research of the value attitude towards books in a modern Ukrainian family. Particularly, it defines criteria and indicators of value attitude towards books: motivational (frequency of approaching to books; duration of interest for books; priority of books over other activities), cognitive (children’s awareness of books, richness of literary experience, activity of literary and artistic communication, ability to detect the meaning of a book), emotional and evaluative (emotional and evaluative perception of books; existence of reading priorities, ability to evaluate a book by its external and content parameters), behavioural (ability to use a book as a source of information; respectful attitude towards a book; detection of activity in the reading environment). The conclusion was made about the average level of value attitude towards books of children and their parents, and about domination of books’ cognitive function in upbringing of modern preschool children. Within the framework of the research, the correlation between children’s value attitude towards books and value attitude towards books of their parents was established.
Beschreibung: Linnik, O. Value attitude of modern children and parents towards books / O. Linnik, K. Barna // Didactica slovenica : pedagoska obzorja : znanstvena revija za didaktiko. - 2017. - №32. - C.33-48
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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