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Название: Cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Slovakia and its role in development european education
Авторы: Tovkanets, Anna
Товканець, Ганна Василівна
Tovkanets, Oksana
Товканець, Оксана
Ключевые слова: cross-border cooperation
educational programs
Дата публикации: 2019
Издательство: Presov
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article deals with the problem of cross-border cooperation and its role in the development of the European educational space. The directions of cross-border educational cooperation, which are aimed at facilitating the exchange of students and teachers within the framework of partnership between schools of the Slovak-Ukrainian border territories, organization of excursions across the border, providing more information about the language, history and culture of neighboring countries in the educational programs of border schools, the introduction of bilingual educational programs; facilitating access to schools abroad, in particular through the introduction of preferential tariffs for the use of transport; the introduction of cross-border educational program or a regular educational program in which pupils from two border areas together attend school and receive the same education on both sides of the border with the help of teachers from both schools involved; promoting cross-border academic mobility and cooperation between universities in the border regions; joint use of facilities and equipment, including the information network of the Internet, the organization of joint research and teaching in higher education institutions in the border regions. It was clarified that cross-border cooperation takes place at different levels: between regions, between regional authorities, between local authorities, at the institutional level, at the university level, in particular between Uzhgorod National University and the Mukachevo State University and the Preshov University, as well as within the framework of Carpathian Euroregion and Border Cooperation Programs. The importance of the content of cross-border programs and the prospects of realization of tasks in the area of educational European integration is emphasized.
Описание: Tovkanets А. Cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Slovakia and its role in development european education / А. Tovkanets, О. Tovkanets // Premeny skoly a ucitelske vzdelavanie v historickom kontexte a nove perspektivy : zbornik prispevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinarodnou ucastou organizovanou Pedagogickou fakultou Presovskej univerzity v Presove pri prilezitosti 70. vyrocia zalozenia Pedagogickej fakulty v Presove (6. – 7. februar 2019.). - Presov, 2019. - P. 483-490
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/4464
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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