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Title: Effect of Nonstoichiometry and Doping on the Photoconductivity Spectra of GeSe Layered Crystals
Authors: Bletskan, D.I.
Madyar, J.J.
Kabaciy, V.N.
Кабацій, Василь Миколайович
Keywords: Nonstoichiometry
Photoconductivity Spectra
Layered Crystals
Issue Date: 2006
Series/Report no.: ;Vol.40, No 2
Abstract: The polarization photoconductivity spectra of Bi-doped nonstoichiometric GeSe layered crystals grown by static sublimation were investigated.
Description: Bletskan, D. I. Effect of Nonstoichiometry and Doping on the Photoconductivity Spectra of GeSe Layered Crystals / D. I. Bletskan, J. J. Madyar, V. N. Kabaciy // Semiconductors. - 2006. - Vol.40. No 2. - P.142-147
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/396
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