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Title: Development of Swedish state policy in adult education
Authors: Feltsan, Inna
Фельцан, Інна Михайлівна
Keywords: adult education
adult pedagogy
IT educational technologies
folk high schools
in-service training
labor market training
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The article touches upon the question of adult education in Sweden. The main steps of state policy to lifelong study have been briefly analyzed along with the key tendencies of the modern process. Among the beneficial motivators used by Swedish government in order to promote the idea of a constant development we have identified: informational guidance, counseling, social equality, financial support, flexibility, accessibility and validation of knowledge gained through different education forms (formal, non-formal).
Description: Feltsan, Inna Development of Swedish state policy in adult education / Inna Feltsan // Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія "Педагогіка та психологія" : збірник наукових праць / гол.ред. Г.В. Товканець. - Мукачево : МДУ, 2018. - Випуск 2(8). - C. 229-232
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3263
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