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Titel: Methodological basis of organisation dialogical and pedagogical communication in the process of training future foreign language teacher
Autoren: Липчанко-Ковачик, Оксана Василівна
Lypchanko-Kovachyk, O. V.
Мартин, Наталя Володимирівна
Martyn, N. V.
Stichwörter: dialogue
interpersonal interaction
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Zusammenfassung: Integration of the ideas of dialogic learning into the conceptual system of pedagogical science reflects one of the modern trends in the development of theory and practice of education - the focus on the establishment of the subject-subject paradigm of pedagogical interaction. The article under consideration throws light upon certain features and explored the concepts of "dialogue", "dialogue interaction". In accordance with the goal, a comprehensive analysis of the dialogue as a complex social phenomenon was carried out. The peculiarities of formation of students' readiness for dialogical interaction, developed within the limits of philosophical, activity, personal, culturally relevant and information approaches, are determined. A carried out theoretical analysis of methodological foundations determines the fact that the mastery of readiness for conducting a pedagogical dialogue, according to most scholars, implies the development of at least three groups of abilities: communicative, perceptive, interactive.
Beschreibung: Lypchanko-Kovachyk, O. V. Methodological basis of organisation dialogical and pedagogical communication in the process of training future foreign language teacher / O. V. Lypchanko-Kovachyk, N. V. Martyn // Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія "Педагогіка та психологія" : збірник наукових праць / гол.ред. Г.В. Товканець. - Мукачево : МДУ, 2018. - Випуск 1(7). - C.215-218
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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