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dc.contributor.authorMartynets, Liliia-
dc.contributor.authorBobovskyi, Roman-
dc.contributor.authorPochanič, Ján-
dc.contributor.authorShabala, Yuliia-
dc.contributor.authorHuda, Oksana-
dc.descriptionMartynets L, Bobovskyi R, Pochanič J, Shabala Y, Huda O. Ukrainian Educational Hubs in the Context of Russia’s Military Aggression Against Ukraine: Successful Cases in EU Countries. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias. - 2024; 3: -Р. 1-10uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe Russian aggression against Ukraine has significantly impacted all aspects of social life, including education. The formation of Ukrainian educational hubs abroad has become crucial due to the physical challenges of continuing education within Ukraine. This article analyses the organisation of these hubs in the EU amidst Russia’s military aggression. The study employs content analysis of scientific literature and triangulation of information from various sources to ensure data validity. Findings indicate that, alongside the destruction in Ukraine, access to quality education has been disrupted, threatening human capital. Educational hubs in EU countries have addressed this challenge, providing safe environments for continued learning. Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic host the majority of Ukrainian refugees and, consequently, the most hubs. In Germany, hubs in Berlin and Munich offer broad access to educational services. Polish hubs in Warsaw and Krakow emphasise IT, digital competence, business, marketing, and medicine, fostering practical skills. In the Czech Republic, the focus is on lifelong learning. These hubs demonstrate how adaptive approaches can mitigate educational disruptions. The study concludes that the Ukrainian education system could benefit from integrating European practices to enhance its processes.uk_UA
dc.subjectMartial Lawuk_UA
dc.subjectInternational Supportuk_UA
dc.titleUkrainian Educational Hubs in the Context of Russia’s Military Aggression Against Ukraine: Successful Cases in EU Countriesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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