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Titel: Strategic analysis as an indicator of the long-term development of the enterprise
Autoren: Maksymenko, D.V.
Максименко, Діана Вікторівна
Stichwörter: management
strategic information
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Zusammenfassung: In modern conditions, the ability of enterprise management to think and act strategically is extremely relevant. Therefore, the application of a strategic approach to management is not only appropriate but also the only possible. The issue of resource utilization, the definition of functions of structural units, the allocation and analysis of individual projects and products are becoming particularly important and of great importance in the strategic management of the enterprise. An important role in this system is provided by the process of strategic analysis. After all, it is a strategic analysis that is the driving force behind which the process of strategic management itself is possible. The experience of advanced foreign companies shows that the system of strategic analysis should be individual for each individual enterprise. This system is built in accordance with the objectives and nature of the business system of the enterprise.
Beschreibung: Maksymenko D.V. Strategic analysis as an indicator of the long-term development of the enterprise / Maksymenko D.V. // Приазовський економічний вісник. - Випуск 1(12) 2019. - С. 99-102
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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