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Название: Formation of professional competence of assistant teacher of inclusive education in secondary education institutions
Авторы: Liubarets, V.
Bakhmat, N.
Matviienko, O.
Tsykhmeisteruk, O.
Feltsan, I.
Фельцан, Інна Михайлівна
Ключевые слова: teacher assistant
persons with special needs
inclusive education
individual development program
pedagogical modeling
professional competence
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The research is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study o f forming the professional competence o f a would-be teacher assistant o f inclusive education through pedagogic modeling. The authors specify the notions o f “ a tutor” (teacher assistant), “ inclusive education” , “ persons with special needs” , “ individual development program” , and “ modeling” . The essence o f “ pedagogical modeling” is defined, as well as the groups o f its objects within the professional competence o f the would-be teacher assistants in the inclusive education; the implementation o f the psychological-pedagogic modeling o f an individual development program for persons with special needs is substantiated. It is proved that any model has a sign nature, thus, the psychological bases o f the research are the theory o f contentbased summarization and the “ sign” concept o f the educational process. The study reflects the methodological system of forming the professional competence o f the would-be teacher assistants o f inclusive education through pedagogic modeling and substantiates the content component o f the model, implemented in the individual development program o f persons with special needs and through applying the relevant methods, forms and means o f education. It is proved that the efficiency o f forming the professional competence o f the teacher assistants o f inclusive education, by the means o f pedagogic modeling depends on introduction o f an experimental technique, which provides support and increase o f the qualitative indicators o f both the teaching and the personal properties o f the persons with special needs receiving educational services. Due to the synergetic impact o f professional knowledge, the would-be teacher assistants o f inclusive education develop an increased motivation to forming the professional skills and competences when working with persons with special needs.
Описание: Formation of professional copetence of assistant teacher of inclusive education in secondary education institutions / Liubarets V., Bakhmat N., Matviienko O., Tsykhmeisteruk O., Feltsan I. // Pedagogika-Pedagogy : Bulgarian Journal of Educational Research and Practice / ed.-in-chief Tsokov G. - Sofia, Bulgaria : Аз Буки, 2021. - Vol.93, №9. - P.1279-1294.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10455
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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