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Title: Migration abroad as a social consequence of transformations of the institute of education in modern Ukraine
Authors: Marusiak, Tetiana
Khymovych, Oksana
Hoblyk, Volodymyr
Гоблик, Володимир Васильович
Pigosh, Vasyl
Пігош, Василь Августинович
Rosola, Uliana
Росола, Уляна Василівна
Keywords: migration
demography of Ukraine
educational institutions
sociological factors of resettlement
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: This study provides an original qualitative analysis of how contemporary labor migration trends shape and interact with Ukraine’s education system. While extensive research analyzes the economic and political impacts of Ukrainian migration, few studies examine its influence on domestic educational processes. Thus, this study helps fill this gap through the in-depth examination of migrants’ motivations, particularly the desire to finance quality education for children. By elucidating these understudied connections, the study aims to inform education policies and partnerships that leverage migration’s developmental potential while mitigating the risks of brain drain.
Description: Migration abroad as a social consequence of transformations of the institute of education in modern Ukraine / Marusiak, Khymovych, Hoblyk, Pigosh, Rosola. // Journal Dve domovini. - 59, 2024. - Р. 11-29
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10425
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