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Title: Digital tools for management of innovative activities of tourism enterprises: Ukrainian analysis of wartime challenges
Other Titles: , Kiziun A., Hrabar M., Brytvienko A., Medvid L.
Authors: Yakуmenko-Tereshchenko, N.
Kiziun, A.
Hrabar, M.
Brytvienko, A.
Medvid, L.
Медвідь, Лариса Іванівна
Keywords: digitalization
Russian-Ukrainian war
російсько-українська війна
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Canada
Abstract: The article aims to analyse digital tools for managing the tourism enterprises' innovative activities based on the Ukrainian experience of overcoming the risks of martial law. The novelty of the research consists in determining the possibilities of digital management in war conditions, which is an extremely important experience for European countries that never faced such a crisis.
Description: Yakуmenko-Tereshchenko N., Kiziun A., Hrabar M., Brytvienko A., Medvid L. Digital tools for management of innovative activities of tourism enterprises: Ukrainian analysis of wartime challenges / Yakуmenko-Tereshchenko N., Kiziun A., Hrabar M., Brytvienko A., Medvid L. // International Journal of Organizational Leadership / Editor-in-chief Hohrath P. - Vancouver BC, Canada, 2023. - Vol. 12, First Special Issue. - P. 4-19.
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10118
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